National Rogaining Calendar

Events Calendar

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From Saturday 02 September 2023 -  05:00pm
To Sunday 03 September 2023 - 06:00pm
Category: ACT
Contact Brad Vallette -

The 2023 Night/Day took place in the newly-reopened Orroral Valley. This beautiful slice of Namadgi National Park makes for varied and engaging navigation with steep hills overlooking the open country of the valley below. The course is designed to give participants the opportunity to play to their strengths and preferences in route-planning.

The bush is in great condition, so it will make for a great day or night (or both) of rogaining! The Hash House was at the Orroral Valley Tracking station, a comfortable 1-hour drive south from Canberra on sealed roads. As always, there were two instances of the event using the same course:

• Night 5 hour – Saturday 2 September 5:00pm - 10:00pm

• Day 6 hour – Sunday 3 September 9:00am - 3:00pm


Final Instructions

Thank you for entering the 2023 Night and/or Day Event on 2-3 September 2023. Team leaders, make sure that everyone on your team reads this whole document carefully. 


Allow 1 hour as a comfortable travel time from north Canberra to the Hash House. Watch for animals on Tharwa road when driving – especially at evening/night and early morning. Cyclists also use the road regularly. Please consider carpooling as parking is limited.
Indemnity Form

Please bring to the event a printed and completed indemnity form located here. Check the team list for your relevant event on the home page to ensure that all details for your team including category are correct. If incorrect, please contact the Event Contact prior to the event. 
Ensure that all team members sign a separate indemnity form. Parents or guardians must sign for people under 18. Also provide registration number(s) of your car(s) at the Hash House. Be sure to put your team number on the form. Present your completed indemnity form at the registration desk.Medical advice: All competitors should consider advising their partner of any pre-existing medical conditions (such as diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, susceptibility to anaphylaxis) that may require first-aid action on course. This should include a description of the symptoms, the required first-aid action, and the location in their bag of any medication (such as sugar, ventolin, epi-pen, anti-histamines).How to Get There

The Hash House is located at the Orroral Tracking Station on Orroral road. Drive to the end of the road and park as directed. Parking is extremely limited so carpooling is highly recommended. 

Allow 1 hour as a comfortable travel time from North Canberra to the Hash House. Watch for animals on Tharwa road when driving – especially at evening/night and early morning. Cyclists also use the road regularly. 

From Canberra, follow directions to Tharwa. Head south on Naas road for 18km, there are potholes in places so take care. Be particularly aware of a large set of potholes across the entire road on the downhill just after you have climbed Fitz’s Hill.

The HH location on google maps is the former orroral valley tracking station.  
Registration, Map Availability, Start Times

The Night (5hr) Event will commence by way of a mass start at 5:00pm sharp on Saturday 2 September, with a novice briefing at 4:50pm and a final briefing at 4:55pm. Registration will open at 3:30pm. 

The Day (6hr) Event will commence by way of a mass start at 9:00am sharp on Sunday 3 September, with a novice briefing at 8:50am and a final briefing at 8:55am. Registration will open at 7:30am.

To register, one person only per team to register and collect maps. That person will need to:
Bring first aid kit (per team), so that it can be checked; see below for what it must containShow you have a space blanket for each person (will be available for purchase if required)Bring one completed indemnity form per team memberElectronic scoring 

As this event is using the Navlight system of scoring, each team member will be issued with a wristband and tag upon registration. 

You will also be given pre-marked maps, control descriptions, course setter's notes and a small copy of the map to be used as a flight plan. We recommend that you arrive at least an hour prior to the start of the event to allow enough time for final preparations and route planning. Each team must mark their intended route on the flight plan and hand it in before starting. 
Map and Course Details

There will be one A3 map (297x420mm), 1:25,000 with 10 m contour interval. Magnetic north lines are marked on the map. Out of bounds areas are marked in grey. The control descriptions have been printed on the front and back. The map is printed on Teslin paper which is very tough and generally does not need to be covered in contact. 

The scrub is variable, with the higher areas being pretty thick in places. The areas down in the valley are much more open, but can be pretty swampy at points. Gaitors and long-pants are STRONGLY recommended. The course setters have indicated places that are best to avoid. The creek systems will have an abundance of water so do expect to get wet feet. 

Please bring enough water for Hash House use and for at least 4 hours on course. Access to the course is limited due to damage from the recent floods and bushfires, so water drops may not always be somewhere convenient. We recommend you bring a method for sterilising water as there is plenty of water on course, particularly down in the valley. There is only one water drop on the course. There is a pump that screws into the top of the water container to use. There is (a lot of!) water in the larger creeks on the course, but it should be sterilised if drunk.  Sterilisation tablets will be available at the Hash House if needed, but consider bringing your own method of sterilisation if you have it.  
Camping - UPDATE!!



Camping is now available at the newly opened Orroral campground just down the road from the hash house. Bookings are still essential and can be booked via the ACT parks website here.  Of course, for those day rogainers who don't like a super-early start, come and camp Saturday night too!
Other Information

Catering is being provided by Hartley Lifecare. In addition to the end-of-event feeds (part of your entry fee) they are offering a hot breakfast for pre-orders - a bargain at just $5 per person.  Porridge, egg and bacon rolls are on the menu. Pre-orders must be made with your entry. 
Please Bring to the EventCompleted indemnity formMap will be printed on Teslin waterproof paper with control descriptions on reverse side. Contact or map case optional.Coloured pens, pencils, scissors, highlighter pen, table and chairs or board for map preparation. The marquee will be available for planning.Some food for before and/or during the event.Your own plate, bowl, cup and cutlery for catering.Water for your use at the Hash House and to start the event with (there is no running water on site).Portaloos will be at the Hash House. You may like to bring your own hand sanitiser.Carry on Course

Mandatory Equipment
Whistle (per person)Basic first aid kit (that includes 2 compression bandages and 1 wound dressing) (per team)space blanket (per person)head torch (with spare batteries) (per person) (for the night event)

Other items we recommend that you carry/wear
food for the eventwater for 4 hours - including a means of water purificationcompassgaiters – recommended for scrub protection long trousers – recommended for scrub protection and warmthwatchpen/pencilhead torch and spare batteries Mobile phone for emergenciesSunscreen, sun-hat, sunglassesAdequate warm clothes for the conditions (noting conditions can change quickly): raincoat, warm jacketthermals + a spare if it is wet gloves beanie Mobile Phone Coverage

Mobile phone coverage is not good on the course or at the Hash House. If you have an emergency or need to contact the event coordinator on the day of the event, consider sending an SMS.  

The Hash House number will be 0147 148 005 (satellite phone) and is printed on the map. 
Summary of Event Rules and ScoringThe only navigational aids permitted are the maps we provide together with your compasses.Teams consist of 2 to 5 competitors and must remain within earshot of each other at all times. All members must simultaneously get to within 5m of each control point.All team members must punch their Navlight tags at each control to score points.The point values of each control are the ‘ten-value’ – ie control 22 is worth 20 points, control 64 is worth 60 points, control 101 is worth 100 points. If a Navlight punch has failed, record the three letter code visible inside the end of the punch.Competitors must not enter out-of-bounds areas; gates must be left as found; stock must not be disturbed.The organisers may disqualify a team if it acts against these rules or against the spirit of the event.A team can retire a member at the hash house. This will finish that team's event. A new team can form but it must start with zero score.Late Penalty: 10 points per minute (or part) late. Disqualification if more than 30 minutes late.If teams score equal points then the first team home will have a higher rank.Presentation and Awards

Post-event food and drinks will be available from 10pm for the Night Event and 2:30pm for the Day Event. Please bring your own plate and utensils. 

Prizes will be awarded to the winners of each category and certificates to the place-getters of most categories. This is dependent on final numbers and will be announced on the day. Presentations will take place around 45 minutes after the end of the event. 
Event volunteers

If you have queries contact the Event Contact listed below. 
Event ContactBrad Vallette, bradvallette1@gmail.comCoordinatorBrad ValletteSetters and Vetters

Setters: Holly Ashburner, Tom Fitzgerald

Vetters: Sue Brown, Brad Vallette, Tom Driscoll
First AidJonathan FearnGeneral HelpAsh Van de Meulengraaf, Natali heil Koebel, Kelvin Peh, Matt Rodier, Shannon Napier, Ciaran Lane, Mike ZhouControl CollectorsTravis Ey, Jon Glanville


Coordinator : Brad Vallette
Setters and Vetters : Holly Ashburner and Tom Fitzgerald, Sue Brown, Tom Driscoll
First Aid : Jonathan Fearn
Map Maker : Brad Vallette
Catering : Hartley Lifecare
General Help : Natali Heil Koerbel, Ash Van de Meulengraaf, Shannon Napier, Kelvin Peh, Traivs Ey, Matt Rodier, Ciaran Lane, Mike Zhou
Control Collection : Travis Ey, Jon Glanville, more needed
Sub-event2 : Night Foot, Day Foot
This event was imported from:
Location Orroral Valley

Events Legend