Entries are now open at arc2018.qld.rogaining.org.au. We decided to extend the period for early bird entries - now closing on 30 April. Act fast - last chance!

We're expecting this event to be the biggest rogaine ever held in South East Queensland, so make sure you don't miss out on the fun. Rogainers of all abilities are welcome, and remember that although it is a 24hr event that doesn't mean you have to stay out on the course for the full 24 hours. There will be an All Night Cafe out on the course for you to refuel and re-energise, and you can always come back in to the Hash House for a feed and/or a snooze, and perhaps a red wine by the fire!

Intervarsity Championships

The 2018 Intervarsity Rogaining Championships will be held in conjunction with the ARC, so if you are a university student (or you know some uni students who would be interested) please check out this page for information. There are travel subsidies available from all states and territories in Australia - please contact your local rogaining Association to find out how to apply.

Accommodation Options

There is a new page on the ARC website with some information on accommodation options before and after the event. We are working on arranging some billeting through our local QRA member network - if you are interested in this option (either as a host or a guest) please contact arc2018billeting@qldrogaine.asn.au.


Shirts, leg and arm warmers are available to order on the ARC website, you can choose to pick up the items you order at the event (the 'Group Shipping' option) or you can pay extra to get them delivered straight to you. We are doing a series of batches so if you are keen to get your gear early, it will be shipped to you within a month or so. Click here for information. We also have a limited number of high quality compasses for sale which you can order when you enter the event.

Other Information

Information on travel to and from the event and other things to do while you're in SEQ is available on the event website.

Spread the word!

Please spread the word about this event within your networks. If you are bringing along friends and family who aren't competing why not encourage them to volunteer to help out? Remember, this event is not just for elites, everyone is welcome to participate.

Thanks for your interest, we look forward to seeing you in SE Qld in August.