2024 Australasian Championships Results
Over 400 keen rogainers were treated to a very well organised and high quality event at the Australasian Rogaining Championships near Donnybrook in Southwest WA on 7-8 September. Many thanks to the hard-working volunteer organising team including Ann Smithson, Owen Horton and Peter Mattner and all of the WARA team (see full list here: https://wa.rogaine.asn.au/index.php/volunteering ).
Paul Williams and David Symons were the overall winners, with young intervarsity competitors Christopher Bradley, Guyver Fu and Ryan Stocks in second place and Paul Monks and David Baldwin in third place overall. Thorlene Egerton and Jonathan Sutcliffe won the mixed open, mixed veteran and mixed super veteran categories, while Jenni Blyleven, and Anne Frankland from New Zealand won the womens, womens veterans and womens super veterans categories. Well done to all category winners and placegetters! Full results are here: https://rogaine.asn.au/results/44th-2024-7-8-september-mysterious-traveller-grimwade-wa and detailed results with team routes are here: https://rogaine-results.com/event/results/2024/australasian-champs/24hr
Winners photos are here: https://warogainingassociation.cmail19.com/t/t-l-squyuy-jddttktjit-j/
The next ARC will be held on 15-16 March 2025 in the Snowy Mountains, hosted by ACTRA. Start making your travel plans and don't miss this one!
2027 World Rogaining Championships
Planning continues for the 2027 World Rogaining Championships, to be held in the Flinders Ranges in September 2027. A media release has been prepared (see attached), and additional publicity will be rolled out later in the year. Spread the word! If you'd like to join the organising team, let me know.
The annual general meeting of the Australian Rogaining Association was held on 19th August and a good discussion was held. The President's report which includes a summary of activities from each state association is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11GxteLKTzk2TTDWIgw8HkPEJGYe3vHqB/view?usp=drive_link and the Treasurer's report is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10xLRKhRmiYa_8YzvNA4Iw6gaAVchIqVl/view?usp=drive_link
The ARA thanks and congratulates each of the member Associations for another successful year of rogaining.
ARA Grant Applications
Grant applications are due by the end of November: https://rogaine.asn.au/documents/policy/grant-policy
National Calendar: https://rogaine.asn.au/events
Next European Championships: 17-18 August https://erc2024.rogain.ee/
Next World Championships: 5-6 July 2025 https://wrc2025.org/
Cheers, Paul
Paul Guard
ARA President