2024 Australasian Championships
Less than four weeks to go until entries close in this year's Australasian Rogaining Championships!
Merchandise orders are also due by Friday 16th August for pickup at the event.
Some states are extremely poorly represented at the moment! Tassie is outperforming, but where are the Victorians and New South Welshpeople!?
3 Aug.png
20th World Rogaining Championships Awarded to Australia
Australia has been awarded the 2027 World Rogaining Championships with a unanimous vote. Congratulations to the bid team, and especially Craig Colwell who put a lot of effort in to get us to this point.
We look forward to welcoming the world to the Flinders Ranges in September 2027!
Here is the winning bid document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zuC9atgBhNQGY092Re35iL5PfoS0_93J/view?usp=sharing 
NAMSF Bursaries to attend the 2024 Intervarsity Rogaining Championships are still available
There are still NAMSF travel bursaries available for university teams to compete at the Australian Intervarsity Rogaining Championships to be held with the ARC in WA in September. Information is available on the ARC website, please contact paulguard@gmail.com if you need more information. 
ARA AGM to be held on 19th August
The ARA AGM will be held on Monday evening 19th August at 7:30pm AEST via Skype.
If you have items for the agenda, please get in touch with your state/territory President or contact the ARA Secretary, Stephen Gray stevogray@gmail.com
ARA Grant Applications
Grant applications are due by the end of November: https://rogaine.asn.au/documents/policy/grant-policy 
National Calendar: https://rogaine.asn.au/events
Next European Championships:  17-18 August https://erc2024.rogain.ee/