- Entries are now open for the 2024 Australasian Championships! Remember, this event is open to all and you don't need to be an elite to enjoy a high quality course with like-minded people from all over Australia.
The webpage also now includes some additional information on the event, and some photos from the course. Please promote this event to the other members of your state/territory club, and get your flights booked!
We would love to see a much higher representation of easterners than at previous ARCs held in WA.
Here is a Facebook reel https://www.facebook.com/share/r/syjyXP7ipSZE4zPy/
and post https://www.facebook.com/share/p/Fc5e3AxRBuzQmDiM/
for you to share among your networks
We would love to see a much higher representation of easterners than at previous ARCs held in WA.
Here is a Facebook reel https://www.facebook.com/
and post https://www.facebook.com/
for you to share among your networks
- The ARA submitted a proposal to host the 20th World Rogaining Championships in 2027, with SARA leading the bid team. Big thanks to Craig Colwell for both the effort he put into working up the proposal and also for offering to lead the organisation of the event. All of the State and Territory rogaining clubs contributed to the bid and will have important roles to play in supporting SARA to deliver the event. The International Rogaining Federation Council is now considering our bid (no others were received) and we should hear back in mid-July.
News item: https://www.sleepmonsters.com/news.php?article_id=7238
News item: https://www.
- There are NAMSF travel bursaries available for university teams to compete at the Australian Intervarsity Rogaining Championships to be held with the ARC in WA in September. Information is available on the ARC website, please contact paulguard@gmail.com if you need more information. We would like to find and confirm the recipients of the bursaries by the end of June, so time is short.
- Here is the national calendar, lots of great events coming up across Australia:
- VRA have been publishing quite a few of their recent training events to their website:
- Here is the national calendar, lots of great events coming up across Australia:
- VRA have been publishing quite a few of their recent training events to their website:
- QRA recently held a map making workshop, where participants used a recently developed basemap that covers all of the usual rogaining areas in SE Qld to lay out a course and make a georeferenced PDF using free QGIS software. Resources are being collated and will be made available to all mapmakers on the QRA website shortly. Contact paulguard@gmail.com for more information. You can also join the map making Google Group.
- the new software that has been developed for the Navlight system has now been trialled at events in WA, SA and Qld and is a lot more intuitive and user-friendly than the previous software. Please contact stevogray@gmail.com if you would also like to try it out on your local events.
- if the results from your events aren't being published on rogaine-results.com, they should be! It's a great service provided by Greig Hamilton, and he's happy to publish results from any Navlight-based event, providing you with detailed analysis of team routes, leg statistics, GPS upload and much more. Contact greig.hamilton@gmail.com for more information.
- the Australian Rogaining Association AGM will be held by Skype in mid-August 2024. Contact your local committee if you would like to raise any agenda items.
- The 2025 World Rogaining Championships will be held in Spain on 5-6 July 2025. Limited information is available at this stage:
- The 2024 European Rogaining Championships will be held in Estonia in August:
Cheers, Paul
- the Australian Rogaining Association AGM will be held by Skype in mid-August 2024. Contact your local committee if you would like to raise any agenda items.
- The 2025 World Rogaining Championships will be held in Spain on 5-6 July 2025. Limited information is available at this stage:
- The 2024 European Rogaining Championships will be held in Estonia in August:
Cheers, Paul
Paul Guard
ARA President